AHIMA provides Muscle Gaining Secrets Case Study

  • Date: Apr 10, 2014
  • Category: Health

American Health Information Management Association provides information to the health and fitness community.
A recent case study was documenting 8 weeks of muscle gains with a male understudy in a quest to gain muscle weight, using The Muscle Gaining Secrets Blueprint. These are the Results Continue reading

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Apr 10, 2014 /prREACH/ -- Ft Bragg, CA, 4/2/2014 — American Health Information Management Association provides information to the health and fitness community. A recent case study was documenting 8 weeks of muscle gains with a male understudy in a quest to gain muscle weight, using The Muscle Gaining Secrets Blueprint. These are the Results

The 8 week program focused on 5 reasons why every skinny guy is dead wrong in their approach to muscle gain. The Program begins with progressive overload which describes the constant increasing of weight and reps which increases the effort the body has to work through.

It then moves next into teaching the frequency of workouts and body recovery, and how each muscle group gets worked without injury. Muscle gaining blueprint then moves into training volume, not the get in and get out approach but offers hard gainers the chance to really build muscle fast and stops unnecessary muscle soreness.

The understudy is then instructed on building the custom blueprint to follow, a step by step approach. Lastly the Muscle Gain Blueprint provided the understudy with cycling training and stretching routines.

Muscle Gain Blueprint is a must see product and will give you the insight and step by step procedures that can quickly be implemented into daily routines.

For additional information please contact: Larry Gipson at American Health Information Management Association by phone (469-685-1942), or email ([email protected]).  You will also find further information on our web site at http://topratedconsumerproducts.com/musclegainingsecrets

About American Health Information Management Association:  American Health Information Management Association is a leading provider of information and education to the Top Health & Fitness Companies and Trainers and one of the Nations leading authorites on health and fitness related products and services.

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Larry Gibson


There’s a lot of guys who think they are 200 pounds but they’re lying to themselves. If they were lean they’d be 175.
- Jason Ferruggia
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