CONCUSSIONS – Get Baseline Test Before an Injury says Dr. Brad Gulla, DC

  • Date: Feb 12, 2018
  • Category: Health

Dr. Brad Gulla, D.C., D.I.C.N.B., Founder of The Concussion Place provides one of the most extensive and thorough testing and treatment programs for those who have had a concussion or think they may have had a concussion. With Baseline Testing, Dr. Gulla can better determine the extent of an injury and provide a much better diagnosis and treatment plan for a patient. Continue reading

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Feb 12, 2018 /prREACH/ -- Head Concussions…. It is not always a direct hit to the head that causes a head concussion. There are many signs and symptoms of concussions and many times a person may have been severely shaken or jostled by a fall or car accident or some other type of incident.

There are approximately 4 to 5 million concussions occurring annually in the United States, with rising numbers among middle school athletes. 90% of most diagnosed concussions do not involve a loss of consciousness. An estimated 5.3 million Americans live with a traumatic brain injury-related disability (CDC) Therefore, it is very important for all those who play various sports, whether in school or professionally, to have a Baseline Test done early on prior to any potential head injury.

BASELINE TESTING is a test that measures how well a person’s brain functions. Many tests measure only the cognitive function of the brain. The doctors and staff at The Concussion Place (TCP) measure how well the brain functions in all areas including in cognitive, balance & equilibrium, vision, motor skills and internal body communication.

Why is Baseline Testing So Important?

Comparing post-injury test results to baseline test results can assist health care professionals in identifying the effects of the injury and planning an effective rehabilitation program and making more informed return to school and play decisions.

What makes The Concussion Place Baseline Test Unique?

1. It is Comprehensive, Full Spectrum and Dynamic. Dynamic – Effective action and/or motion

2. It cannot be sandbagged like traditional, self-administered cognitive only tests. Sandbagged baseline: where an athlete purposefully scores lower on initial baseline test  so  that when he/she re-takes the test in event of suspected concussion, score won’t look so bad. Many pro-athletes have admitted to sandbagging.

3. The Baseline Testing is Doctor and Medical Assistant Administered.

4. It includes a neurological exam to assess the nervous system, vision screening, balance & equilibrium, comprehensive health history, concussion history and more. Nervous System – Responsible for control of body and communication of its parts.

Consists of: 1. Brain 2. Spinal cord 3. Sensory organs 4. All the nerves that connect these organs with the rest of the body

The comprehensive baseline test can also lead to performance enhancement as it will highlight areas of existing weakness that can be corrected and or improved upon. At The Concussion Place this testing and assessment process takes about 40 minutes to 1-hour and is valued at $650. Because Dr. Brad Gulla is committed to ensuring all of Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs Area Athletes are properly and efficiently baseline tested, he is offering the complete, Dynamic Baseline Testing and Assessment at 82% off for only $120!

Many colleges and professional sports are moving toward mandatory Concussion Baseline Testing. Having a Baseline Test done prior to participation in sports or other potentially harmful activities should be considered a great investment for the future health of anyone who may possibly incur a serious injury. It’s not just about sports, it’s about the care for children, youth and loved ones who love sports.

What Are Common Symptoms of a Concussion?

Signs Observed by Others · Appears dazed or stunned · Is confused about assignment or position · Forgets an instruction · Is unsure of game, score or opponent · Moves Clumsily · Answers questions slowly · Loses consciousness (even briefly)

Symptoms Reported by Person with Concussion · Headache or “pressure” in head · Nausea or vomiting · Balance Problems or dizziness · Double or blurry vision · Sensitivity to light · Sensitivity to noise · Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy or groggy

When Should Someone Go to The Emergency Room? 

When the individual with suspected concussion exhibits one or more of the following danger signs: · One pupil larger than the other · Is drowsy or cannot be awakened · A headache that gets worse · Weakness, numbness or decreased coordination · Repeated vomiting or nausea · Slurred speech · Convulsions or seizures · Cannot recognize people or places · Becomes increasingly confused, restless or agitated

The Concussion Place is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado at 3425 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Suite 105 Colorado Springs, CO 80918

For More Information on Dr. Gulla, Concussions, Baseline Testing or other Questions, Please Call +1 (719) 380-8055 or Visit the website at:

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Keith Robinson

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
- Buddha
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