pillow wedge

Wedge Pillow Discussed as Low-Cost Alternative to Adjustable Beds

Xtreme Comforts discusses how its wedge pillow is an economical option over high-priced adjustable beds. Continue reading

Wedge Pillow with Memory Foam Enters Top 10 Amazon Best Sellers List

Xtreme Comforts’ Memory Foam Bed Wedge Pillow is now among the top 10 Amazon best sellers in the category of Bed Wedges & Body Positioners. Its useful features provide better comfort, support and sleep to all types of individuals. Continue reading

Bed Wedge Pillow Adds to Growing Memory Foam Pillow Market

The memory foam mattress and pillow market is projected to grow substantially in the coming years. Xtreme Comforts has added products like a wedge pillow to the market that solves common sleeping and health issues for growing consumer interest. Continue reading