Dentist in CA Now Using Advanced Oral Cancer Screenings in Routine Checkups

  • Date: Aug 19, 2014
  • Category: Health

CDIC Dental in California are now using advanced oral cancer screenings as a part of their routine checkups for early detection of oral cancer signs. Continue reading


Aug 19, 2014 /prREACH/ -- CDIC Dental, a group of California based dental offices, have begun using advanced oral cancer screenings during patients’ routine visits.

Currently, over 8,000 deaths occur each year because of oral or pharyngeal cancers. Based on rates of occurrence in the US, more than 5 times that many people will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancers – about 43,000 Americans to be more specific.

Even more shocking is that 75 percent of head and neck cancers begin in the mouth; 30 percent start on the tongue, 17 percent on the lip, and 14 percent on the floor of the mouth.

According to CDIC Dental, “about 90 percent of people who suffer from oral cancer use tobacco. Smokers are 6 times more likely to develop oral cancer. Smokeless tobacco users (chewing tobacco, etc.) are about 50 times more likely.”

That is why CDIC Dental has decided to take the offensive against oral and pharyngeal cancer by providing the best defense – early detection. Time is of the essence when it comes to diagnosing and treating cancer. Unfortunately, by the time most oral cancer are discovered, it has moved on and affected other areas of the body.

Early detection screening by a dentist is the best way to kick cancer to the curb. With so many different types of cancers that start in the mouth, it is crucial to attend each dental visit.

Just a few types of oral cancer include cancer of the:

·      Lip

·      Tongue

·      Oropharynx

·      Piriform

·      Mouth

·      Sinus

·      Hypo-pharynx

In quite a few cases, many of these cancers do not cause symptoms that would immediate alarm a person. Lumps, bumps, unexplained bleeding, ear pain, or even a sore throat might not make a person go running to a dentist – but all of these are common symptoms of oral cancer.

To learn more about CDIC Dental and their oral cancer screenings, visit

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Charles Crawford

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