Financial Empowerment Tips May be the Best Gift of All This Mother’s Day

  • Date: May 16, 2018
  • Category: Family

This press release offers access to a useful and free digital download that offers access to financial empowerment tips that can support families in getting their personal finances organized so they can take control and drive their lives forward, even after the disability or loss of a partner. Continue reading

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May 16, 2018 /prREACH/ -- Bellevue, WA - With Mother's Day being among the most noted dates on the calendar, the scramble is on to find the perfect gift. Life Goes on Roadmap Co-Founder Nancy Juetten offers a free digital download that serves up practical tips for financial empowerment and organization that can support families in getting their personal finances organized so they can take control and drive their lives forward after the disability or loss of a partner.

Actuarial tables suggest that 70% of married women will survive their partners. That means that they will be responsible for managing finances, investments, and householf operations at one point or another.

Juetten and her husband Steve Juetten -- a Certified Financial Planner© Professional -- created the checklist to support married women and their partners to get their crucial financial information organized so either party can have equal footing for those occasions when life serves up a bump in the road.

"It's striking to see how many women don't know where the safe deposit key is stored, how to turn off the gas or water in their primary or vacation homes, or where the deed to the family home is stored," Juetten said. "We want couples to be able to find what they need when it is needed so their can have power and control, no matter what life dishes up next. The gift checklist is helpful for igniting these kinds of practical, important conversations."

Juetten suggsts making a date to walk through these and other crucial details so either party can pick up the pieces if need be. The last thing anyone wants to worry about is where they can find what is needed in order to navigate the situation at hand, Juetten says. Download a useful checklist to jump start the organization process at

Nancy Juetten is co-founder of Life Goes on Roadmap. This is a company that guides married women and their partners to organize their crucial personal financial information so they can keep driving, even after a bump in the road. Visit to download a useful and free checklist to jump start personal financial information organization, starting today. Reach Nancy by phone or email at 425 641 5214 or [email protected].

Contact Info

Nancy Juetten

"It's striking to see how many women don't know where the safe deposit key is stored, how to turn off the gas or water in their primary or vacation homes, or where the deed to the family home is stored," Juetten said. "We want couples to be able to find what they need when it is needed so their can have power and control, no matter what life dishes up next. The gift checklist is helpful for igniting these kinds of practical, important conversations."
- Life Goes on Roadmap Co-Founder Nancy Juetten
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