St. John Peony Farm Announces the End of Its Blooming Season for the Year


The much-awaited blooming season has concluded at St. John Peony Farm. Hundreds of flower fans and photographers gathered at the Maryland-based farm to witness the peonies in bloom. Continue reading


Darlington, MD, Jul 09, 2021 /prREACH/ -- St. John Peony Farm, a flower farm in Maryland, is pleased to announce the end of yet another successful blooming season. Located minutes off I-95 in Darlington, Maryland, near Suequennah State Park, the 11-acre farm has seven flower varieties. In addition, the farm’s detailed photography guide is tailor-made for individuals looking to witness the beauty of peonies in full bloom.

To find out more about St. John Peony Farm, please visit

There are many exciting things to do during a visit to St. John Peony Farm, including a one-hour self-guided tour where the visitors can explore the fields and take an unlimited number of photos while relaxing in the lap of nature. The St. John Peony Farm team also helps visitors create a custom bouquet containing up to five stems. The seven varieties of peonies currently available on the farm are Paula Fay, Frances Willard, Many Happy Returns, Mon Jules Elie, Pacifica, Sarah Burbhadt and Victoire de la Mar.

St. John Peony Farm is also a great destination for photographers looking to arrange a photoshoot. Just like other visitors, they can book a visit without paying any additional location fees. Photographers interested in using the entire field are requested to get in touch with the farm.

Owner of St. John Peony Farm, Chris Scholz, named the farm after his mother and her love of flowers. He established his first field in 2012 with seven varieties of herbaceous peonies. Depending on the weather, peonies bloom each year for approximately three weeks.

“This season was a big success, and we saw three times more visitors compared to last year. However, like all good things in life, it had to end very quickly. So if you have missed it this year, please subscribe to our email list so that you can be notified and don't miss it next year,” said St. John Peony Farm spokesperson Anthony Cofrancesco.

St. John has a great selection of peonies in a very vibrant array of colors. I took my mom for the first time, and she was blown away. It was such a joy! Thanks, guys,” says a highly impressed visitor.

To find out more about visiting St. John Peony Farm, please visit the farm’s official website.


Contact Info

St. John Peony Farm

Anthony Cofrancesco

1813 Glenville Road

Darlington, MD

United States


(410) 218-9930

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Named after his mother and her love of flowers, owner Chris Scholz, established his first field in 2012 with seven varieties of herbaceous peonies. The gardens are laid out in two different fields and bloom for approximately three weeks sometime between Mother's Day and Memorial Day, depending on the weather. The peonies range in color from fragrant white to blush pinks, cotton candy pink to crimson reds.
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