Swerve Sweetener Introduces Non-Glycemic Flavor


Swerve Sweetener is a natural, non-GMO sweetener that does not produce a blood sugar spike or digestive intolerance such as a laxative effect. Swerve Sweetener contains only all-natural ingredients with no artificial chemicals. Continue reading

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Nov 09, 2013 /prREACH/ -- November 9, 2013--New Orleans, Louisiana--Swerve Sweetener is a new artificial sweetener that may have conquered the problems plaguing most other artificial sweeteners such as glycemic interference and digestive intolerance. Not only is Swerve Sweetener non-glycemic and causes no digestive upsets, but it is also all-natural, non-GMO and measures cup-for-cup just like sugar.

Natural sweeteners are always preferable to chemical sugar substitute products. In the past, only chemical additives were available as sugar alternatives, but thanks to advances in understanding of the makeup of sugar, natural sugar substitutes are made possible. Swerve Sweetener is one of the first natural sweetener products that causes no glycemic changes in the body.

Studies have shown that Swerve causes no blood glucose or insulin level changes, making it safe for diabetics. The results of these studies are linked on the Swerve website at http://www.swervesweetener.com/diabetes/. Furthermore, unlike xylitol, sorbitol and maltitol, Swerve causes no digestive intolerance that can lead to physical discomfort.

Swerve has no bitter aftertaste like many no-calorie sweeteners. Made from a combination of fruit and vegetable extracts, Swerve contains no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Further information about Swerve's chemical composition is available at http://www.swervesweetener.com/what-is-swerve/#sthash.kLvF8klE.dpuf.

Swerve is created from a combination of erythritol and oligosaccharides that give it excellent baking and cooking ability. Swerve can be browned or caramelized like "real" sugar, and best of all, there is no need for conversion charts as Swerve maintains a one-to-one volume ratio with cane sugar. A cup of Swerve equals a cup of sugar for easy substitution in recipes.

Swerve Sweetener is the all-natural way to sweeten hot or cold drinks, baking, fruits, cereals and other foods. Swerve Sweetener is made only from non-GMO fruits and vegetables for safety. With the help of Swerve Sweetener, diabetics and others who are concerned about sugar intake can enjoy the benefits of sweet taste without the concern of calorie intake and glycemic loads.

About Swerve Sweetener: Swerve Sweetener is an all-natural, non-GMO product that substitutes ounce-for-ounce for traditional cane sugar as a sweetening substitute. Swerve contains no artificial flavors or ingredients and is made only from natural substances.

For More Information: http://www.swervesweetener.com/

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Swerve Sweetener is one of the first natural sweetener products that causes no glycemic changes in the body.
- Swerve Sweetener
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