Architect Offers Home Office Program for Free Due to COVID-19


Bestselling author and architect, Birgit Abrecht, believes “In every crisis, there is a chance for a new beginning.” By making her popular home office program free, she is helping individuals working from home find their way during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading


Apr 23, 2020 /prREACH/ -- Birgit Abrecht is helping individuals navigate working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic by giving away her professional home office program for free for a limited time. This online program helps to establish a healthy, productive and efficient work environment and is customizable to each person's unique work-at-home situation. With this interior design program, individuals are provided with step-by-step guidance through informative videos, workbooks, templates, helpful checklists and shopping assistants.

More information can be found at

Founder and CEO of an architecture company and the Future Home Academy, Abrecht wants to share her knowledge and experience of more than 30 years and assist working people to make the adjustments needed for a successful home office. She says, "When you make any changes in your home, follow the recommendations in this program. They are comprehensive and proven to be more powerful than any other."

With the effects of the current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, including lockdown measures being implemented globally, more and more people have to work from home, which can be a difficult and scary new reality for many. "As an experienced architect, I provide a home office program for professional use. But in these challenging times, so many people and companies around the globe are being forced into an unknown work environment and need to create a new workspace. By offering this home office program for free, I want to support people in all countries ​who work from home to enter a new way of successful working," says Abrecht, an award-winning entrepreneur and international speaker who works with clients all over the world.

By the end of this free home design program, individuals will be able to set up a healthy, efficient and successful home office. Abrecht says, "When you implement these measures, extraordinary things can happen. It's now time to make the best of your home environment. Create your home, enrich your life!"

For more information about the free home office program and others offered by Birgit Abrecht, visit her official website.


Contact Info

Birgit Abrecht

Birgit Abrecht

Oestliche Friedrichstr. 23, Keltern




+49 (0) 7236 279 0416

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