Krill Oil Omega-3 Supplement Among the Best Heart Health Supplements, Brand Says


Daiwa Health Development has ranked its krill oil omega-3 supplement among the best heart health supplements available. The brand recently shared a list of the science-based benefits of krill oil. Continue reading


Gardena, CA , Oct 19, 2020 /prREACH/ -- Daiwa Health Development suggests its krill oil omega 3 supplement is among the best heart health supplements available. The brand is driven to provide products and services that maintain superior quality, focusing on extensive research, innovation and development. The company continuously meets the stringent manufacturing and quality control standards required by the US Food and Drug Administration.

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Krill oil is typically considered a more sustainable choice than fish oil because krill are so abundant and reproduce quickly. Daiwa krill are responsibly sourced from the Antarctic's pristine waters, using a cold-pressed technique to provide the purest form of red krill oil. A senior spokesperson for the brand says, "Natural krill oil is the only marine oil that includes a combination of three key substances the human body needs to function properly: omega-3 essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA), phospholipids (an important component of the cell membranes) and antioxidants, including astaxanthin (a potent carotenoid that gives krill its red-orange color)."

The company shared a recently published Healthline article that listed six science-based health benefits of krill oil omega 3:

  1. Excellent source of essential fatty acids. Both krill oil and fish oil contain the omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA and DHA. However, some evidence suggests that the fatty acids found in krill oil may be easier for the body to use than fish oil. A large portion of the omega-3 essential fatty acids in krill oil is delivered in molecules called phospholipids, which may be easier to absorb into the bloodstream.
  2. Can help fight inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in krill oil, have been shown to manage the body's inflammatory functions. Krill oil may be even more effective at controlling inflammation than other marine omega-3 sources. Krill oil contains a pink-orange pigment called astaxanthin, which has antioxidant effects.
  3. Might promote joint health and reduce pain. Because krill oil seems to help manage inflammation, it may also improve joint health. . A study that found krill oil significantly controlled inflammation markers also found that krill oil reduced stiffness, functional impairment, and joint pain.
  4. Could promote blood lipids and heart health. Omega-3 fats, and DHA and EPA specifically, are considered heart-healthy essential fatty acids. Research has shown that fish oil may improve blood lipid levels, and krill oil appears to be useful as well. Studies have shown it may be particularly effective at maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
  5. May help manage PMS symptoms. Several studies have found that taking omega-3 or fish oil supplements can help decrease period pain and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), in some cases, enough to reduce the use of pain medication. It appears that krill oil, which contains the same types of omega-3 fats, may be just as effective.
  6. It's easy to add to a routine. Taking krill oil is a simple way to increase EPA and DHA intake. It's widely available, and the capsules are typically smaller than those of fish oil supplements and may be less likely to cause belching or a fishy aftertaste.

"At Daiwa Health Development, we work on the premise that the body naturally heals itself. And by boosting these natural processes, we improve our quality of life," the company concludes.

To learn more about Daiwa Health Development and its joint support supplement, visit the company's Amazon storefront or official website at


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Daiwa Health Development, Inc.

Hank Cheatham

1411 W 190th St #375

Gardena, CA

United States



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Daiwa Health Development supports a quality-of-life vision that focuses on helping people to live healthy lives through the application of bioscience while respecting the laws of nature.
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