ETC Publishing

ETC Publishing Announces Pre-sales Begin for Donna Stellhorn’s Latest Book

ETC Publishing is proud to announce that Donna Stellhorn’s latest book, Lucky House Numbers, is available for orders in advance of it’s publication date this coming fall. This is the 11th book of Stellhorn’s to be published by ETC Publishing. Continue reading

  • Date: Jul 07, 2015
  • Category: Family

New Book Gives 19 Different Foods for Women Wanting to Get Pregnant

Women are told that nutrition and eating right is a crucial component to get themselves ready to conceive. Author, Donna Stellhorn, says there are some foods that will also boost fertility energy. Continue reading

Best-Selling Author Recommends Clearing Home with Sage

Whether one is a fan of “The Long Island Medium”, Theresa Caputo’s successful television show, or attends worship services to celebrate their faith, most have seen burning incense or herbs used in the context of a ritual, part of a spiritual experience. The burning of the Sage – sometimes combined with other herbs to create a specific result – is what is involved in a Sage & Smudge Clearing. Continue reading

  • Date: Nov 03, 2014
  • Category: Family

New Book Suggests 19 Different Foods for Women Wanting to Get Pregnant

Women are told that nutrition and eating right is a crucial component to get themselves ready to conceive. Author, Donna Stellhorn, says there are some foods that will also boost fertility energy. Continue reading

ETC Publishing Releases Latest Book in the Best-Selling Chinese Astrology Series

ETC publishing is proud to announce the release of “Chinese Astrology 2015: Year of the Wood Sheep”. This is the fourth book in the series, which is now the third best-selling Chinese Astrology series in the world. Continue reading