Real Estate Investment Systems

Tight Credit Not the Only Factor Making Rental Properties a Smart Investment

Tight credit is not the sole factor in making the rental property investment niches a wise choice, and with the right systems in place, says Kent Clothier of Real Estate World Wide, investors can create success under any market condition. Continue reading

High Tech Real Estate Reporting Systems Give Investors Crushing Advantage

Upon the announcement that will release a comprehensive report on which parts of the United States are more likely to see increase in real estate prices in 2014, Kent Clothier of Real Estate World Wide (REWW) notes that cutting edge systems are at the core of real estate investing today. Continue reading

Fed Cautions Against Projections, Despite Dismal Reports

Janet Yellen warns against long term economic projections, reiterating the Fed’s optimistic view of a slow but steady improvement of the Nation’s economy, despite less than promising reports on the rate of unemployment for December and January. Kent Clothier sees only opportunity. Continue reading

Millionaire Investors Slate Real Estate as their # 1 Investment for 2014

Millionaire investors have set their sights on a recovering real estate market as fixed-income yields stubbornly remain at a historical low and equities surge. Despite concern about availability of properties for sale, Kent Clothier says investors have little to be concerned about. Continue reading

Kent Clothier Releases a Series of Free Lessons for Real Estate Investors

In a step-by-step series of free real estate investment training lessons for New Investors, Kent Clothier discloses his strategies, his methods, his philosophies and his systems without charging a penny. Continue reading

Real Estate Investment Report Reveals Top 100 Counties With Vacant Properties

During the last year, the hot topic for real estate investors nationwide has been the lack of real estate inventory. However, a recent report released by Kent Clothier and Find Motivated Sellers Now clearly shows that there are plenty of vacant properties out there, and Clothier’s system helps investors find them. Continue reading

Compelling New Testimony for Real Estate Investment Systems That Work

Real estate investment “gurus” and systems are easy to come by, but which ones do you trust? Opinions abound, but a recent survey of real estate investors shows what real investors think of Kent Clothier and his system Find Motivated Sellers Now. Continue reading